
Monday, June 13, 2011

Temporal Lift

Overview of the surgery:
temporal lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to address signs of aging around the eye. This procedure can be combined with a forehead lift, eyebrow lift, and other cosmetic procedures.
The principle is to make a short incision ( long like the last finger) in the hair above the ear, parallel to the hair line but behind the anterior hairline, and to detach (undermine) in depth the anterior portion of the forehead and temple skin, eyebrow area and malar cheekbone skin areas. Then this area will be pulled and deep stitches will be placed to reposition. The incision and the scar are therefore hidden in the hair and not visible.

Duration o the operations:
The procedure usually takes is about 1 hour depending upon the extent of surgery.

Post operative care:
Recovery time and after-effects are simple and short and of various duration depending on individuals. Usually a week off social life is enough. The small clamps staples in the hair-bearing scalp are removed on the 8th day. Swelling of the upper part of the face and eyelids due to postoperative edema and ecchymosed will decrease gradually over the first 10 days, and then the residual edema will disappear in the next few months. It is usual the first weeks to have a bulge in front of the hairline: this will disappear spontaneously. Loss of hair is a rare event. Sensitivity and subtle motility of the scalp around the incision will return within a few months (with a possible pruriginous stage).

Recovery period:
We recommend only light activity for the first week to ten days following surgery. Most patients are able return to work 7-10 days following surgery with makeup easily covering any residual bruising.

Possible risk and complications:
Complications are very the unusual evolutions that require further treatment. The possible complications of the temporal lift are rare: Hemorrhaging, Hematomas and infection which may require an additional procedure and a specific medical therapy ,skin necrosis, and pain are very rare events, poor scaring, adherences, fibrous scar, visible scar, transitory paresis, or a paralysis of the frontalis or supercilii muscles  Impaired mimic or asymmetrical mimic, asymmetric eyebrows
Local alopecia, loos of hair local anaesthesia of the scalp, persistent asymmetry, itchiness
Psychological disorders (depression, psychosis), cardiovascular, immunoallergic or respiratory complications of anesthesia.

Anesthesia use:
The procedure usually requires general anesthesia.

Hospital admission:
This procedure may be performed in the cosmetic surgeon’s office-based facility, an outpatient surgery center, or at a hospital. This procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis.

Preparation before Surgery
  • Assessment of the medical history (any allergies, serious medical condition and all medications taken both prescribed and non-prescribed), physical examination, and laboratory tests will be performed during consultation.
  • Blood and urine samples will be collected for routine preoperative laboratory tests.
  • Smoking must be avoided for about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery, as nicotine interferes with circulation and will greatly affect healing process.
  • You will likely to be asked to stop drinking alcohol, a week before the surgery and throughout your recovery period.
  • Avoid taking any medications such as hormones, anticoagulants, anabolic steroids and supplements at least 4-6 weeks to prevent complicating medical factors prior to surgery. Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
For more information about the procedures you may contact  International Marketing Coordinator: or call mobile phone: +66816572522, Tel: (662) 753-9206

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